Institut für Pathologie der Universität Regensburg - Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER)

Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER)

Starting in the winter term 2020/21, the course Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER) is offered to students in Regensburg and Pilsen. The course focuses on the innovative fields of biobanking and personalised medicine, that are considerably underrepresented in the curricula of medical education programmes in Europe. Biobanking and precision medicine are complex and multidisciplinary fields of expertise, connected to rapidly developing research and progressive technology.

Approach, Topic, Prospects

Precision medicine uses patient-based biomarkers to optimise diagnosis and treatments of diseases. The identification of these biomarkers is achieved through modern molecular biological technologies and imaging methods. Biobanks are a decisive instrument for precision medicine. They store a large number of samples and data for the potential use in translational research.

Medical students will get in touch with the subject of biobanking and precision medicine in their professional careers. The course Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER) gives a profound insight into the complex and rapidly developing interdisciplinary issues of this specialised field.

The course pursues the integral approach of blended learning and gives the opportunity for international exchange. During the practical course-periods in Pilsen and Regensburg, students are invited to explore the Czech and German culture, language and cuisine


This unique education programme closes a gap in a field of modern medicine that becomes increasingly important. Graduates of this course obtain a key advantage in the field of competitive high-performance medicine. Moreover, the course creates a connection between academia and industry in an innovative and highly dynamic field of modern medicine, with a strong relation to biotechnology.


Start: winter and summer semester
Duration: 1 semester (Practical course in Pilsen will be offered by arrangement and might take place in the following semester)
Course language: English
Study programs in Regensburg: Humanmedizin, Medizinische Informatik, Molekulare Medizin

Possibilities for credit recognition in Regensburg differ from each study programme (see information below). When completing the course, students are welcome to choose a course-related topic for their doctoral thesis. In attending the whole course, students can further receive credit for their doctorate in structured programs.

More information:
Flyer Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER): English / Deutsch


The course handles the following topics:


Options for the study programme "Humanmedizin"

Students of the study programme "Humanmedizin" have the following options to attend the course:

If students want to engage more, they have following option:

If students want to engage more, they have following option:

Options for the study programme "Medizinische Informatik"

Students of the study programme "Medizinische Informatik" have the following options to attend the course:

Options for the study programme "Molekulare Medizin"

Students of the study programme "Molekulare Medizin" have the following options to attend the course:



Dr. Tanja Niedermair
Zentrale Biobank Regensburg
Phone: +49 941 944-16730